Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Contrary to the internet rumors...

I am not dead or comatose - much to the consternation of my enemies and those in the AoSHQ pool. I've just been very busy with real world stuff. There have been lots of things I wanted to blog about (like hundreds of tabs worth) but I just couldn't find enough unallocated time to quite get around to them.

A lot of my free time has been going into home projects that I've been putting off for years such as completely refurbishing the wood fence around the yard. Since no professionals (or even trained people) are involved in this project, I've been doing a lot of pressure washing and basic carpentry. It's going slowly but it did justify my buying a band saw which opens up whole new vistas of caveman carpentry for me.

And then there was repairing and debugging the sprinkler system, re-potting all the plants, troubleshooting the exterior security cameras, plus a couple of  unfinished interior projects and redoing my PC setup. Then at work there's been a whole let's-move-the-entire-facility-to-a-new-location-without-affecting-customers-at-all-except-the-phones-and-internet-didn't-work-for-almost-two-weeks-afterward thing going on.

So yeah - I've been slacking like a slacker.


  1. You can work on personal items once I have been properly entertained.

  2. Just glad to see you're still around :)

  3. Maet, glad you are alive and doing well.

    I want a band saw. Tell us a band saw story,

  4. I pretty much plan my home projects around which tools purchases they justify.

  5. Then at work there's been a whole let's-move-the-entire-facility-to-a-new-location-without-affecting-customers-at-all-except-the-phones-and-internet-didn't-work-for-almost-two-weeks-afterward thing going on.

    Do you have any hair left?

  6. Glad you are all right, Maet!

  7. If you don't get to buy a new toy -er, tool, it's not a worthwhile project and should either not be done or be hired out to the kid down the block.

  8. Wait, Internet rumors are unreliable?!?

  9. If you strike Maetenloch down, he'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

  10. Whew! Glad that's covered.

  11. It looks like MAETENLOCH's castle crumbled around him as he hand crafted ONT's for years on end.

    Next year, he will win the HOA prize for best yard, his ornamental flowers will be featured in the Saturday gardening thread, and his vegetables will win a top prize at the country fair.

    Women will find him more attractive, random dogs will bring him things for praise, and people at the store will asking him where things are because he has an air of knowing wtf is going on.

    People will ask if he is pregnant because he will be literally glowing with vitality.

  12. You can "Power Through" it. Nice to catch up with you, though I do miss the ONT.

  13. By a great coincidence, I find myself confronted with the need to mend our fences. I went out looking for our errant cat the other night and noticed that our rear fence is falling down. Oy.

  14. I was gonna fix my fence, but it's too hot for that shit. So, I've been working to perfect my margarita recipe.

  15. You know Maet, you could always put up a post showing hawt women using a band saws...just sayin.'

  16. Contrary to the current cultural trajectory, there are still many of us who enjoy your wit and good humor. Hope to read something from you soon. All the best.

  17. Hope all is well - you are missed!
