Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Daily Roundup Of The Links

Don’t try to understand’em, just rope, throw, an’ brand’em.

Judge Lets Confessed Pedophile Walk Because He’s Now a She

NBC Hired Leslie Jones to be an Olympic Commentator Because of Her Enthusiastic Tweets
This is the kind of top over-the-top Tweet game you have to bring to get hired by NBC:
I'm just fucking up the anthem!! Go Ledecky!! pic.twitter.com/OefKhby8nJ
— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) August 8, 2016
Mama! pic.twitter.com/HfAm1kfAAj
— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) August 8, 2016
WHAT YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS A GAME!!!! TEAM USA!! pic.twitter.com/83ulfcIwCG
— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) August 8, 2016
BEAST!!! BROKE HER OWN WORLD RECORD!! pic.twitter.com/rOlpUOs8Iu
— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) August 8, 2016
Team USA Basketball Players Were Offered A Weekend At A Brothel If They’ll Stay Away From Them In Rio
To be fair they left the brothel once they realized the for-men-only massage-spa with bar might be that kind of place.

Don't Worry Olympians - It Was Just A Slow-Moving Slum Bullet That Missed You

Why Star Trek is Not Libertarian
The Federation isn’t just socialist in the hyperbolic sense in which some conservatives like to denounce anyone to the left of them as socialist. It’s socialist in the literal sense that the government has near-total control over the economy and the means of production. Especially by the period portrayed in The Next Generation, the government seems to control all major economic enterprises, and there do not seem to be any significant private businesses controlled by humans in Federation territory. Star Fleet characters, such as Captain Picard, boast that the Federation has no currency and that humans are no longer motivated by material gain and do not engage in capitalist economic transactions.
Harry Mudd was a hero. No sucking at the state’s tit for him – he went out and earned his own way through sneakery, trickery and grift.

Donald Trump Is George Bluth, Sr., Explained
Hillary Clinton Is Lucille Bluth, Explained

How to Make Your Own Harry Potter Floating Candles
Note that the day laborer rates for wearing the candle suit they quote seem rather low.

Maine Bastards, the Damn South, and California F*ckboys

Honey The Thermostat Has Been Hacked Again, Also the Toaster

Women, Minorities Hardest Hit


  1. Just touching base, as it were. Thank you, Maetenloch, for all you have done.

  2. Hi Maet! Came over from the ONT link at Moron HQ. This place is just like the old ONT, except the font is smaller... oh yeah, I can enlarge- Moron out!

  3. Got a new system this summer w/smart tstat. Tech wanted to connect it to internet, I declined. He said "You can control it from your phone" I said, "So can someone else."

  4. Maet, I loved your ONTs over there, I love your new-and-improved ONTs over here. But wow, riding the same trick pony tends to undermine any argument that you left "to spend more time with your family."

    So spill ... was it the demonic blood rituals with the COBs, or the clearly inferior Dominican weed that drove you away?

    - Kate58 @ AoS

  5. >>Maet, I loved your ONTs over there, I love your new-and-improved ONTs over here. But wow, riding the same trick pony tends to undermine any argument that you left "to spend more time with your family."
    >>So spill ... was it the demonic blood rituals with the COBs, or the clearly inferior Dominican weed that drove you away?

    Well these aren't really ONTs so much as link dumps - and I never said that I wouldn't blog at all.

    And to say that contract negotiations between WME and AceCorp broke down would be...not exactly true. :-)
